Thursday, May 15, 2008

Frontiers Unrated Trailer

Frontiers Unrated is one of the movies that I'm looking forward to. Oh boy, just watching the trailer raises the hair on my arms, what with watching it past midnight too! (I'm trying hard not to look at the window and the darkness outside. *A chill crawls up my spine)

The Trailer. People scream, feet are cut off, and people are butchering each other. The trailer has no dialogue, but the music, the visuals, and the sound effects all add up to a great blood-rushing feel. Definitely must see this movie.

UNRATED. One thing that makes this movie controversial is because it's completely UNRATED and only those above 18 years of age can watch it! (Good news for me!). Sure sure, there's a lot of UNRATED movies before, but they don't make it to the theatres. But THIS FILM IS GOING TO DO SO!

The film will be in select theatres on May 9th, and the DVD release is on May 13th. For more information, try visiting Frontier(s) on The official site where you can view the Trailer and see some clips and pics is on Frontiers Unrated. Their website is also cool and will give you an idea on what the movie is about. Visiting the site and its different sections made me decide that I'd rather spend more time on it tomorrow when it's daylight and when other people are awake (*chills).

Hope I can sleep tonight. Haha. Can't wait to watch this!

Sponsored by Frontier(s)

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